admin 發表於 2021-12-13 15:52:22

Dog paddling pools boost retail sales 狗狗游泳池带動寵物用品销售增长

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英國寵物零售商 “Pets at Home” 的整年零售额初次冲破10亿英镑,這是因為寵物主人更舍得费錢把他们的寵物看成 “小主人” 般侍候,包含给狗狗采辦用来玩乐的泅水池。

The dile妹妹a of what to do with your dog while you’re at work has long been a major barrier for many who’d like to become an owner. But Pets at Home say the pandemic has changed all that as we spend more time in our homes.

當本身上班不在家時,该怎样顾问狗狗,這個问題其实讓人摆布尴尬,這也是讓不少想养狗的人下不了刻意的重要停滞。不外 “Pets at Home” 指出,新冠病毒疫情扭转了這一切,由于咱们待在家里的時候更多了。

It’s seen the number of pets in the UK grow by eight percent in the last year, leading to a similar sized growth in its sales to 1.1 billion pounds.


We’re pampering them more too. The industry calls it ‘humanisation’. Paddling pools for pooches helped sales of puppy products grow by more than a quarter. But we werhelloav,e even keener for kitten kit, where the retailer saw spend increase by more than a third.

與此同時,咱们也加倍溺爱它们。寵物業界称之為 “人道化”,就是把動物看成人类般看待。给狗狗玩水的小泅水池热销,从而動員小狗用品贩卖增加了跨越25%。但@咱%495D4%们對采%6Cy8X%辦@猫咪用品乃至更热中,在這上面的消费增长了跨越三分之一。

Overall, profits dipped slightly to 88 million pounds as parts of the business, particularly grooming salons, were hit by Covid-related restrictions. 去疣,But the company expects more growth to come as it cashes in on our frenzy for furry friends.


dile妹妹a 摆布尴尬,进退两难
barrier 停滞
pampering 溺爱,精心赐顾帮衬
humanisation 人道化(把寵物看成人类看待)
pooches 狗狗
kitten 小猫
dipped 降低了,下跌了
grooming 服装,给動物梳理毛發
frenzy 狂热

1. What has long been a big obstacle to people getting pets?

2. True or false? Products for dogs sold better than cats.

3. Was there an overall i濕疹藥膏推薦,ncrease in profits?

4. What does the company think will happen in the future?

1. What has long been a big obstacle to people getting pets?
Worrying about what to do with pets while people are at work.

2. True or false? Products for dogs sold better than cats.
False. Kitten kits outsold puppy products.

3. Was there an overall increase in profits?
No. Overall, profits dipped slightly.

4. What does the company think will happen in the future?
There will be a continued growth in the area due to the trend.
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查看完整版本: Dog paddling pools boost retail sales 狗狗游泳池带動寵物用品销售增长